Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dec 22

Yes I did get the packages, thanks for the goodies I love triscuits &
Spray cheese Yummyyy!

But as for me this christmas we have plans to go caroling as a district on
christmas eve and a member family the Mielkes are going to have us over on
christmas day. So what i will do is call some time random durring the day
on christmas and i will tell you the time and phone number to call me back
on. So when i call i wont be able to talk really i will just give you the
information and then hang up and you will be able to talk to me then at
9;00 michigan time haha.

Guess what we got sooo much snow this past week. Theres at least more than
a foot out there. Its so funny because that whole day we probably pushed
like 15-20 cars out of the snow, and shuvvled so many driveways wooh i was
tired. And then just last night its was 2 degrees with 40 mile an hour
winds which from what i heard brought it down to -15 with wind chill
brrrr it was so cold. We drove though so we were ok, but ill tell you its
crazy trying to bike on snow, its a real adventure. Oh Also did you get
your christmas cards? Its crazy i printed them off and almost fell over
when i realized how big they were printing out as. I thought i was just
printing off the small regular ones. Tells you how electronic savy ive
become. Well i look forward to talking to you guys on wednesday its wierd
to think its come so soon. Then it will be mothers day...... then ALL THE
TIME!! haha. Well ilove you guys.. get better. I know how you feel i have
been sick and miserable my self lately. What makes it worse is biking
while having the cold, my nose has felt like a broken faucet it turns off,
plugs up, and drips. But im doing a lot better today so thats good, and i
know you guys will to. Love you and have a merry christmas and christmas
eve and hollidays -Elder whipple

ps. me and my companion the day after christmas are going to be singing
"Ill be home for christmas....you can count on me". (Were pretty excited
about that) :)

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