Monday, November 3, 2008

Scotts Letters

I'm going to start putting scotts letters up so family can keep up to date with him.

Here's the newest one.

So Britney Mielke was confirmed this sunday, and guess who did it... my
companion haha. Maybe one day I will be able to do a confirmation or
baptism, but oh well. Thanks on the congradulations for the baptism. But
guess what.................There is going to be another one now!

This guy named William approached us one night this week as we were
biking. He yelled "Hey elders!!!..... Fromt the church of jesus christ of
latter day saints". Well instantly my companion turned back because
knowone ever calls us that. And meanwhile i was stuck back at the last
light. SO when i got to my companion he was talking to him. His name is
William and he was baptised 20 years ago by 2 missionaries, but never got
confirmed. He told us that he was working a few months ago and found
inside a box, 2 books. One called "A marvelous work and a wonder : By
Legrand Richards and the other" Teachings of Jospeh F. Smith". He told us
that hes studied them for months now and told us that he knows that are
doctrine is true, and that all the other churches are in apostasy. We were
like wow! Well we went and talked with him, and we invited him to be
baptised the first time we met him, and he said yes i think i want to come
this sunday and then get baptised next week. haha. We were like well we
first need to teach you and you have to come to church at least 3
consecutive times. Its amazing he came to church this sunday and loved it.
Met with the branch president and everyone, just fellowshipped right in.
SO we are planning for another baptism either Novemeber 23 or the 30th.
Its amazing because i have really been praying lately that we can find the
broken heart and contrite spirit, and Bam there he is. Hes so prepared its
crazy. He probably knows the bible better than me, I learn alot from him.
So I am really excited for this, as well we have others we are working
with. I hope the lord doesnt move me from this area, Its totally my
favorite are so far. Well i love you guys, and thats crazy we are up to
You guys are going to have so many grankids, im at least planning on 8 of
my own hahaha. Well i love you guys and will talk to you next week.
Love elder whipple

Oh ps. Thank you so much for sending that package. Those gloves rock! I
can hardly beleive how cold it is biking in winter ahhhhh its going to be
a rough one, but with those gloves it should be better. And as well the
hat. You read my mind, because i had a companion last year that had one
just like it and i really wanted one, and didnt know where to find one. SO
thankyou so much, as well for the healthy bars :-). You know what i
rememberd the other day. I didnt have anyone for christmas last year, i
feel bad. Who did i have and who do i have this year?


Gull Family said...

Terri thanks for blogging scotts letters i am glad to finally keep track of him. Well i guess thats my fault to i should have been writing to him but i am not good at letters

Gull Family said...

Also i love the jokes