Monday, November 10, 2008

New Letter From Scott


Well i have a crazy story to tell the family that happened this week.

So we were contacting down Livernois On election day Nov 4th, its a pretty
busy street in our area. When we stopped and talked to this guy he told us
hes not interested, and when he said that like 6 guys walked out of this
building, and was in our way of biking around them. So then as we are
standing there this guys asks my companion, " Well arnt you going to talk
to me?" So my companion starts talking to him about the book of mormon,
and while this is going on theres a few guys around him and 1 of the guys
is a camera man. So i instantly thought hmm who is this guys, to have a
camera man following him on election day, i instanly thought he was
someone of importance. So this guy leans over and asks do you guys know
who this is? We were both like no? He told us this is Congressman John
Conyers for the state of Michigan. HAHA. We were both like OHH wow nice to
meet you congressman. Then the congressman asks us do you know who this
cameraman is? We were both like .....No..>? He told us that this is the
head film director for the Movie Sicko ( the one Michael Moore wrote) and
that he is in the middle of making another documentary. Funny enough he
was videoing us, I hope im not going to be in some movie down the line
from here, but anyways. So he said can i have a book of mormon, and so we
gave him one, and as well his campaign manager. He then preceded to tell
us that hes busy at the moment but to come back to his campaign office in
a half hour and that he wants to know more about the book of mormon. So we
were both like Oh yea ! we'll come back! So a half hour later we show up
and enter into his campaign office, and mom and dad its just like the
movies, those places are flooded with people running around with the heads
cutoff. So we go in and this security wont let us into the back where the
congressman is. We tell him that he wants to see us, and he says knowone
else can go back there. Then this guy comes out of knowwhere and whispers
in the security guys ear, and they let us pass. It was so sweet i felt
like a celebrity. We then make are way back and come to the congressman,
and hes like oh you made it! He then gets out 2 plates and piles some
chips on them and gave them to us and offered us some water to drink. He
told us its lunch time. So we talked to him and he told us after we eat he
wants us to talk to everyone. So he tells one of his staff, "go get me a
loudmike, our friends are going to speak to us".

I think when he said that i almost wet myself. Loudspeaker, I instantly
thought of a million things.... like does he want us to go outside and
teach the people with a loud mike, is he expecting us to talk about OBama
haha since hes campaigning for him, it was a lonnnngg wait. He then fed us
this really good pizza sandwhich thing, and it was funny because we were
talking with him and eating there food, and people would come up and be
like congressman i want you to meet my daughter, and of course the
daughter would be going out of her mind because here she is meeting the
congressman, and i just thought it was funny because here we are 2
missionarys who walked right in here, we walked right in with no huge
degrees or fancy service awards, ate his food, and visited with him. I
seriously felt like a celebrity, people were coming up to us, and talking
with us haha. Well then came the finally when he receieved the loud
speaker. He gathered us by him and they took pictures of us by the
congressman, "They said they wanted proof that they were here with the
mormons". He then yelled in the loud speaker for everyone in the campaign
office to stop what they were doing and be quite, then introduced us and
handed us the loud speaker. So we then taught about the book of mormon,
answered questions, and bore our testimonys to everyone in the campaign
office. They all gave us a round of applause, we shook hands and left.
hahahahaha Crazy story huh! The congressman now has a book of mormon. We
will have to tell Johnny he needs to go teach the congressman more, we
planted the seeds :-)

Well as well we are having a really good time. William that guy we found
last week, still wants to get baptised, and should be baptised in maybe a
month. As well we found this brother and sister who's cousin just got
baptised and are interested in learning more, we taught them and they love
the message. Hopefully we will be able to set baptismal dates with them
soon too. I really hope i stay here, transfer calls are this coming
sunday. I dont want to leave its been my favorite area so far. But if I do
leave im prepared to serve wherever the lord needs me. Well i hope all is
well, its getting freezing here, thanks so much for the gloves and the

Oh also hahah i forgot to tell you. The night Obama won was CRAZZZZYYYYYY.
I heard Gun shots all night hahaha. People yelling and chanting obama
obama obama obama obama obama obama. Cars driving up the streets with loud
speakers chanting Obama. But the night he won was the worst. We hear like
ak47's, rifles, i swear machine guns, pistols, i think i heard about every
gun go off that night. People in the streets were yelling and cussing like
crazy. hahaha it was a interesting night, i thought it was world war 3
haha. And it was funny because ever since it became obama and mcain,
everyone in detroit asks us "Hey Yall Votin foe Obama? Then on election
day it was even worst, they all asked us , Yall vote? Im glad Obama won,
i think missionarys would have been pulled out of the city if he wouldve
lost :-) Love you guys have a good week, tell everyone i say Hi.
-Elder Whipple

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